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Here you can find many random tips and bits of knowledge.

Best Places for Emulation info.

Best Websites for Downloading ROMs

Minecraft online tools.

chunkbase.com (map seed inspector)
planetminecraft.com (skins mods and more)
chunker.app (open-source Minecraft world converter)

The issue with Minecraft Bedrock autosave.

As you know on Minecraft Bedrock the auto save feature saves the game every few minutes.
Normally this is fine, but on complex worlds with lots of redstone, or even a large amount of animals can cause issues.
On such a world the delay between auto saves can reduce below the normal 10/15 minutes.
Sometimes the game will save as often as every 1 minute.
On my forever world this issue as gotten out of control, with the game saving every 20/30 seconds!
My world is basically in a constant state of saving.
Saving a large amount of data so often can cause many issues such as lag, stuttering, increased potential of data corruption, and even damage your hard drive by using an unusually high amount of read/write cycles.

So what’s the solution?
I’d like to say “Just change the auto save timer, or turn it off in the settings.”,
but the geniuses at Mojang have REMOVED THE OPTION TO DO SO!
My solution for this is to simply make it someone else’s problem by hosting my world on a server.
This way the game saves on the server's end, and not on my pc.
This has it’s own issues like not being able to play offline, but it’s better than having the game destroy my hard drive by constantly writing large amounts of data.

Bedrock's .mcworld save file format is actually a zip file.
If you change the extension from .mcworld to .zip you'll be able to unzip the file and inspect the content.
Doing this can aslo help when converting the format to java, or uploading the save file to a server.

Open Source VHS Effects.


ntsc-rs is an open source program that simulates a VHS tape for both video or images.
The VHS effects are the closest I’ve ever seen to an authentic VHS recording.

Government Tech is Always Years Ahead of What’s Available to The Public.

I won’t be going into too much granular detail here, but each section will have a summery about how technology is more advanced than most might realize.
Links to where you can learn more will be included.

The internet existed in the 1970s.
ARPANET (Advanced Research Projects Agency Network) was the original internet created by the US government 11 years (1969) before the public had their internet (1980).
The ARPANET project began in 1966, and was considered operational in 1971.

ARPANET had many familiar features (Although more primitive versions) such as file transfer (FTP), and even email.

ARPANET’s operations were closed by 1990.
Probably because at that point in 1990 the commercial internet had surpassed ARPANET in scale.

Did you know? The first message ever sent over the internet was technically “lol”.
During network tests researchers were tying to send the massage “login” however after sending “lo” the receiving computer crashed.

Next is are the stealth planes.
The SR-71 was revealed to the public in 1964, meaning it was in development, and in use long before then.
The SR-71 was able to operate at a speed of Mach 3.2, and at an altitude of 85k ft.
This spy plane was so advanced there was no successor until 2018.

Additionally the F-117 Nighthawk (1981), and the B2 (1987) were also in use long before being revealed to the public.
The few times any of these planes were spotted by someone they were often reported as UFOs.

The Roswell Incident was in fact not aliens, but actually another military experiment.
It was a high altitude balloon with microphones to monitor the sky sound channel.
One of these balloons crashed in someone’s backyard, and afterwords some people spread the rummer of it being aliens.
The government mostly went along with it being aliens so no one found out what they were really doing.

In conclusion.
This not only demonstrates that governments are fully capable of developing advanced tech in secret, but also that aliens are often used as a cover story.
Any time you see reports of “Sci-fi tech” or “UFOs” it’s more likely to be experimental military tech, and not aliens.