That's right! You too can contribute to the Internet Oddities data base.
Below is a load of info to help you get started! Be sure to read through all the instructions:
Anything that stands out as unusual, as if this thing does not belong in the game.
A Gaming Oddity can be a range of topics such as (But not limited to) a cut scene, item, character, story, location, dialouge, level, theory about something odd in the game, or event.
A good example of a gaming Oddity would be the1. A username. If you don't provide a username you will be credited as "Unknown". (Can be your neocities link)
2. What type of Oddity it is (Internet or Gaming).
3. As much info as you can provide about the topic.
4. Any Informational sources regarding the Oddity.
Your Oddity submission is not guaranteed to be added to the list.